Izzy Goessens Presents: Crumble - Live Comedy in English


Please join for the Work In Progress of Izzy Goessens’ debut comedy show: Crumble.

“Heartbroken after the end of a long term relationship Izzy, egged on by her friends, reluctantly finally turns to online dating.

Her profile however? Only pictures of her crying.

Grief struck troll or Keeping It Real online?

This show will answer big questions like did she actually do that??? And why did she do that?? And who actually killed Betty White????

A comedy show about how committing to the bit got gravely out of hand.

Come laugh at your self-proclaimed big sister making poor decisions and listen to her hot takes on how love isn’t real*.

*Spoiler alert: love is real.”

First half of the night will be Lyndsay Hailey’s new comedy show Rest in Pieces.

8th of March

De Boomsspijker

Theaterzaal 3

Recht Boomssloot 52

1011 EC Amsterdam

19.30: Rest in pieces

20.30 - 20.40: Intermission

20.40 - 21.40: Crumble

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