HELL ON EARTH, in search of PUR, NUR and FUR: Work by Joris Van de Moortel


'HELL ON EARTH, in search of PUR, NUR and FUR' is a solo exhibition by Joris Van de Moortel. It's a journey of discovery at the S.M.A.K. filled with musical performances, sculptures, paintings and films that crosses boundaries and defies conventions.

In his studio, which resembles a laboratory of the imagination, he experiments with materials and ideas. Unlike the traditional alchemist, Van de Moortel does not go in search of eternal life and gold, but seems to be seeking a different type of treasure: a way through the chaos of a rapidly changing world. But he also remains true to the essence of art, knowledge and imagination.


Accessible with a CityCard Gent
Reductietarief boulderen & lengteklimmen -18 jaar
Reduction -19 years
Reduction -26 years
Reduction groups
Basic price

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