Django Chutney Gypsy-Jazz Trio - Album Release


Brighton based gypsy-jazz trio Django Chutney have been blowing away audiences.

Their combination part vocal harmonies, huge repertoire that draws from so many eras and genres of the 20th century, virtuoso guitar show-offs, and ridiculous sense of fun and musical adventure has helped them secure fans in the jazz world and across the spectrum alike - all ages and all musical tasted will find something to enjoy in Django Chutney hugely entertaining and energetic performances.

Drawing from Django's repertoire, along with more modern tunes, 20's blues, and the very-possible chance of some Black Sabbath, Django Chutney steamroller the audience with a forceful jazz-guitar sound that amazes and delights in equal measure.

Jed Cutler – Guitar & Vocals
Tom Bailey – Double Bass & Vocals
Ben Mack - Guitar & Vocals



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