Teenage Dream - European Tour - Bruxelles


We like to call it “everybody’s party”, the party that never existed outside of our bedrooms, under the shower or in the car with friends after a night out.

Teenage Dream is the 2000’s themed party that wants to live those years to the fullest, through Disney Channel’s hits that have been in our memory for twenty years.

A safe place where you can feel yourself, where you’ll lose your voice singing with your eyes wet from the emotion.

Teenage Dream was born in January 2023 and recorded about 150 dates (for a total of more than 450000 tickets sold) in the biggest live clubs and summer arenas all over Italy.

Teenage Dream is viral on social media, with more than 400 mlns views on TikTok and more than 190k followers on Instagram, in just a few months.

A constantly evolving party with a live show dedicated to the sound co-lines of High School Musical, Camp Rock, Hannah Montana and many others, which to date has hosted international singers and actors like Laura Esquivel, Brenda Asnicar and Bart Johnson!

Your Teenage Dream just became reality!


Événements suggérés

Le constat « Miles Davis ? J'ai écouté un disque, j'ai pas vraiment aimé... ». On peut passer à côté d'un artiste, même iconique, aussi simplement que cela. Ou se retrouver perdu face à une dis
LES CHANSONS D'HUMOUR ET D'AMOUR traversent les siècles depuis que les femmes et les hommes savent chanter , s'amuser et déclarer leurs désirs enflammés en usant de chansons libertines e
- KOBA [1991/Jan Rzewski saxo soprano, Jean-Yves Evrard guitare électrique, Jean Kowalski drums, Baudouin de Jaer basse]. - Les rencontres avec BLURT/Ted Milton [1993], - L'Opéra DEJAER/ARC