10th anniversary of Muller Van Severen: In dialogue with the collection


Design enthusiasts have two reasons to rejoice in 2021! There is not just the long-awaited extension of the Design Museum, Ghent designer duo Muller Van Severen also celebrate their 10th anniversary. This is the ideal opportunity to celebrate this jubilee with an exhibition.

In this exhibition, the Design Museum’s collection enters into a dialogue with the designer duo’s creations in one large installation. Their inspiring oeuvre of sculptural furniture and objects interacts beautifully with their selection of about one hundred collection items.

In the historical salons, they show their track record through the eyes of 10 key figures who played a crucial part in their development.


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Reduction -26 years
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Sixty years ago the first Turkish migrants came to Ghent. Nowadays almost one out of ten Ghent citizens has Turkish roots. A group of young people of Turkish descent set out to find stories, objects and the meaning behind those figures. The focus of this search was the question of what should be preserved for future generations. With the help of their grandparents, parents and acquaintances, they looked for objects, stories and relevant facts relating to the Turkish migration to Ghent. The outcome of their efforts is a new Ghent-Turkish heritage collection. 
At STAMplein square, a separate part of the museum with changing programmes, you can visit the heritage project “The square kilometre”. Here you can learn all about the Dampoort neighbourhood. Historian in residence Tina de Gendt and researcher Thirza Vandenabeele delve deep into the history of the area around the Gent-Dampoort railway station. Contrary to Ledeberg, Rabot and Brugse Poort, which were the central topic of the project “The square kilometre”, the Dampoort area is not what you could call a “neighbourhood”. It is composed of parts of the districts Ham, Macharius, Dendermondsesteenweg and Antwerpsesteenweg. Prefer not to wait in line at the ticket booth? Want to be sure you can discover the STAM when you want to? Then book your tickets online in advance and enjoy your visit to the fullest. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!
Every academic year, S.M.A.K, Ghent University, and the Curatorial Studies program at KASK & School of Arts collaborate to organize the Curatorial Lectures series. This year's lecture series, featuring Aline Hernández as the third speaker, centers on the theme 'Working with Communities'. Curators connect communities with cultural institutions. They engage with communities, ensure accessibility, address social issues, and build trust between different stakeholders. This year’s series ‘Working with Communities’ invites practitioners to discuss the role of curating in shaping communities and relationships. How can curatorial work reveal power dynamics and offer alternative social imaginaries? Biography Yves Makongo, born in 1984 in Douala, Cameroon, currently serves as the Artistic Assistant and Project Manager at the contemporary art center doual'art. He holds a degree in human geography from the University of Douala, where he completed his Master's in Environment in 2009. Yves is highly versatile, effortlessly transitioning from hands-on tasks like woodworking to intellectually demanding work involving new technologies. Since joining doual'art in January 2011, Yves has gained extensive experience working alongside Didier Schaub (1952-2014). His responsibilities include assisting with scenography and exhibition setups, creating neighborhood monographs, conducting questionnaire surveys, managing supplies, and overseeing various projects. Yves has been instrumental in the success of two editions of the public art festival SUD, organized by doual'art: SUD2013, Douala Métamorphoses, and SUD2017, The Place of Human Dimension. Yves Makongo is an alumnus of Asiko Addis Ababa 2016 and Asiko Accra 2017, where he honed his curatorial skills. He is also an alumnus of The Museumslab in 2022. Yves is passionate about various causes, including human rights, art and culture, migration and boundaries, health and the environment, all intertwined with issues of identity. Past speakers in the Curatorial Lectures series have included Cosmin Costinas, Cédric Fauq, Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide, Simon Njami, Zoé Whitley, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, Karen Archey, Cecilia Alemani, Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel, Luca Lo Pinto, Joanna Mytkowska, Sofia Hernández Chong Cuy, Penelope Curtis, Mathieu Copeland, Anthony Huberman, Jean-Hubert Martin, Chus Martínez, Gabi Ngcobo, Marie Hélène Pereira, Susanne Pfeffer, Kasia Redzisz, Nicolaus Schafhausen and Adam Szymczyk.
Bas Birker Birker omschrijft zichzelf als best sympathie, althans voor een Hollander. Maar schijn bedriegt, want diep vanbinnen zit een dik drammerig Duitsertje met een voorliefde voor orde, stiptheid en bovenal zichzelf. Noem het arrogant of egocentrisch, maar zelfkennis is het begin van alle wijsheid. Toch? Het voorprogramma van Bas bestaat uit een selectie van lokaal stand-up comedy talent. MC van dienst op deze avond is Domien Vloeberghs. De pers over Bas Birker: "In zijn slot onderstreept Birker andermaal dat hij zijn plaats aan de top van de Vlaamse en Nederlandse podiumhumor verdient." (De Morgen) "Misschien wel de beste pure stand-upcomedian van Vlaanderen." (De Standaard) "Topklasse" (Gazet van Antwerpen) Veelgestelde vragen Kan ik mijn UiTPAS gebruiken bij deze Artyshock-activiteit? Ja. Je ontvangt een punt en koopt, met een UiTPAS met kansentarief, een ticket aan reductietarief (2 euro). Voor tickets aan kansentarief: mail je UiTPAS-nummer naar jeugd@destelbergen.be om een promotiecode te ontvangen. Zijn de plaatsen genummerd? Neen. UiTPAS? - UiTPAS is een getrouwheidskaart. Per deelname aan een vrijetijdsactiviteit in Destelbergen, en bij uitbreiding bij alle UiTPAS-partners in heel Vlaanderen, ontvang je punten die inruilbaar zijn voor tal van interessante voordelen: gratis tickets, cadeaus, gadgets … - UiTPAS is ook een kortingskaart. Personen met een verhoogde tegemoetkoming of in schuldbemiddeling krijgen met deze pas een reductie van 80% op het vrijetijdsaanbod. - Een UiTPAS koop je voor 5 euro (volw.) of 2 euro (0 - 18 j) op volgende plekken: Onthaal gemeentehuis, Bibliotheek, Villa Tuur, Loket Vrije Tijd, DC De Reinaert en Sociale dienst van het OCMW. - De UiTPAS met kansentarief kost slechts 1 euro en kan je enkel kopen aan het onthaal van het gemeentehuis, in Villa Tuur of op de sociale dienst van het OCMW.
Marie Cloquet creates large-scale hybrid works that constitute a non-classified overlap between painting and photography. She reconstructs the places where they came into existence. This way her landscapes ignore the dividing line between nature and culture, between organic and man-made.
The Shore, a place I'd like to be is the first solo exhibition in a Belgian museum of electro-acoustic composer and artist Tarek Atoui. He exhibits existing works and new productions. Sound constitutes the core of his work. Atoui is well-known for the sonic-sculptural landscapes he creates on the basis of sounds, images, matter, space, time, human actions and organic processes. His installations always take the form of a participative workshop or prompt visitors to listen to the space, each other, and themselves.
This exhibition examines the similarities and differences between the purchasing policy of Jan Hoet, the founder of S.M.A.K. (Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art), and that of the art collecting couple Roger and Hilda Matthys-Colle. Dr. Roger Matthys stood at the cradle of the Association for the Museum of Contemporary Art (V.M.H.K.), which had the ambition to open its own museum and also purchased art. As president of the association, Matthys had a lot of influence on the purchasing policy of the V.M.H.K. His private collection included quite some works that were exhibited in or purchased by the museum. Both collections are closely intertwined and complement each other. The Matthys-Colle Collection spans fifty years. In an early stage Roger Matthys purchased works of art for his private collection as well as for the collection of the V.M.H.K. In his purchases he did not focus on one specific movement, but rather created a collection that is representative of all art movements from the second half of the twentieth century.  In 2020, the S.M.A.K. received 39 works on long-term loan, which now constitute the basis for this exhibition. Both collections include or at one time included work by every single artist represented in the exhibition.  The archive exhibition on the upper floor delves deeper into the Matthys-Colle Collection and the figure of Jan Hoet, while in the room of the association of the Friends of S.M.A.K. you will discover a selection of works by artists represented in the Matthys-Colle Collection and exhibited by the V.M.H.K.
In visual arts, collaboration is often secondary to the romanticised idea of individual artistic genius. Challenging the myth of the solitary artist, this exhibition explores the unique dynamic of collective creativity and looks at how it influences artistic production. In addition to works from the S.M.A.K. collection, created between 1959 and 2021 by art collectives, artist duos or one–off collaborations, this exhibition also displays works deliberately designed to facilitate other works of art.  Includes works by: Philip Metten, Art & Language, Denicolai & Provoost, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Flexboj & L.A., Narcisse Tordoir & David Neirings, General Idea, Gilbert & George, HAP, David Hammons & Bruna Esposito, Franz West, Heimo Zobernig, Danh Vo, Apparatus 22, Ex-artists' collective (Anikó Loránt, Kaszás Tamás), Audrey Cottin, Alexis Gautier, Anna & Bernard Blume, Brosi & Bonier, Engelbert Van Anderlecht & Jean Dypréau, SUPERFLEX, Marina Abràmovic & Jan Hoet, Guillaume Bijl, Allora & Calzadilla, Jacques Charlier, Korakrit Arunanondchai, Mekhitar Garabedian, Ingrid Mwangi and Robert Hutter.
* ** TICKETS OOK BESCHIKBAAR VIA EEN MINI-ABONNEMENT *** 50€ voor 5 voorstellingen! De andere voorstellingen zijn oa "Johnny Trash goes Cash" & een try-out van de gloednieuwe show van David Galle! (Uw voordeel 25€ !) Voor meer info ga naar onze Facebook-Pagina! E en abonnement bestellen doe je per mail: tickets@friendsofcomedy.be **** WANNEER? Zaterdag 4 mei 2024 om 20u30. **** WAAR? Convent³ Eeklo De locatie is uniek. Het oude koor (of bibliotheek) van het oude Arme Klarenklooster in Eeklo (Convent³). De plaatsen zijn beperkt & abonnees krijgen voorrang! Deze ruimte kunnen we gezellig aankleden met wat sfeerlicht en geluid voor een intieme try-out voor maximaal 50 gelukkigen. *** De Artiest: MARIO DE KONINCK +/-20 jaar podiumervaring als impro-comedian bij oa De Nonsens Alliantie en is ook schrijver & cartoonist. * ** De voorstelling: Mario, morgen gadegij naar de dokter (over mijn autisme) Mario, beter bekend als cartoonist AAaRGh, heeft autisme. Maar dat weet hij niet. Niemand weet dat. Tot zijn 31ste. Dan krijgt hij de diagnose, een jaar nadat zijn leven voorgoed veranderde. Een voorstelling met veel vragen. Maar vooral: antwoorden. Is het toeval dat ik cartoonist ben? Waarom werd de diagnose zo laat gesteld? Wat deed dat met mij? Hoe werken mijn hersenen? Wat zijn mijn zwakke punten? Waar liggen mijn sterktes? Waarom loop ik soms vol? Waarom zorgen frieten voor stress? Waarom staar ik in hotelkamers door het raam? Wat gebeurde er met de bloemen op de foto? “Mario, morgen gadegij naar de dokter” is een theatermonoloog van en door AAaRGh… over een cartoonist met autisme. Of is het een autist met cartoonisme? **** Deze voorstelling gaat in première op 23 juni 2024 & gaat na een passage tijdens de Gentse Feesten in het najaar 2024 op tournée langs meerdere Culturele Centra in Vlaanderen.
The festival "Sorry, not sorry" always takes place in a different neighbourhood outside the city centre. This time around it takes place in the Ghent neighbourhood Moscou-Vogelhoek-Flora. At the heart of the festival, you can find the industrial site of the former weaving and spinning mill De Porre. Street art in the broadest sense of the word is at the centre of the festival. As always, the focus is on creative ‘underground’ and ‘out of the box’ art. The festival puts young artists and organisations in the spotlight and breaks down the walls between mainstream artists and street artists. The programme offers a rich variety of visual arts, workshops, info sessions and educational initiatives.