The Ghent Altarpiece: A devoted restoration


This world-famous masterpiece by the Van Eyck Brothers in Ghent has been restored many times in the past. It has been undergoing thorough restoration and conservation work from 2012 until 2019. During its turbulent history, the Ghent Altarpiece has survived transportation, changes in temperature and humidity, horrifying attacks with a saw and fire damage.

Since 2012, the altarpiece has been thoroughly restored and conserved. During the first and second phase, the exterior panels and the five panels of the altarpiece’s lower register were restored. For the third and final phase, the upper register of the interior panels was transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent. Here, you can follow the restoration of the three central panels (the enthroned Virgin Mary, the enthroned Almighty and the enthroned John the Baptist) and the side panels (Adam, Eve and the singing and music-making angels) live on week days. 


Accessible with a CityCard Gent
Reduced rate for escorts accompanying persons with disabilities
Reduction -19 years
Reduction -26 years
Reduction groups min. 15 pers.
Basic price

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