Good Egg Improv returns with another two act show of hilarious improvised comedy
featuring a bunch of Good Eggs!
Good Egg Improv consists of some of Amsterdam's finest come
Vous cherchez où sortir à Amstelveen ce soir ou ce week-end ? Vous visitez Amstelveen pour la première fois et vous souhaitez des idées de sorties culturelles ?
Voici le programme des évènements les plus populaires commme le Good Egg Improv with Chelsea Gill. Retrouvez les spectacles en janvier, février et mars et profitez des plus belles représentations dans votre ville. Tout au long de l'année, vous pourrez assister à des one-man-show et one-women-show, du cirque ou de la danse.
13 événements trouvés
Good Egg Improv returns with another two act show of hilarious improvised comedy
featuring a bunch of Good Eggs! This month's show is GOOD EGG IMPROV FACE THE
MUSIC, in which we have invite
Sunday Night Standup Comedy in English – Get Your Week Off To A Cracking Start!
Come watch International Standup Comedians on the rise to the top who deserve a
Netflix Special!
If you
Сергій Степанисько вирушає в тур Європою із новою сольною програмою, маючи на
меті не тільки надірвати животики глядачам, а й зібрати коштів на українські
Сили Оборони. Комік і, за сумісниц
Duo Camille-Paloma est un duo guitare hautbois pour toute la famille.
Un programme pensé pour petits et grands autour de musique classique et de
musique du monde. Un répertoire arran
Amazone - Solo show
Amazone is a singer-songwriter who masterfully blends soul, R&B, house, and Afro
into a unique sound. Her single “Grow Apart”
HUMAN" to nowy program Błażeja Krajewskiego, w którym komik z dystansem i
humorem przygl
Повар Даніл скоро приїде до вас і буде робити свою комедію! Якщо не знаєте хто
це, то познайомтесь через інтернет, якщо ліньки, то прийдіть на виставу без
підготовки і подаруй
On Wednesday, 26th of February we are very excited to welcome Tatty Macleod
[] to Boom Chicago! Whether
Get ready Amsterdam! Brace yourselves for an unforgettable night of laughter as
we bring you the comedic brilliance of Ram Arangi (featured on Flagrant and
BBC), and Nico Ye
Whether you're a local or just visiting, this is the perfect way to kick back,
relax, and enjoy some world-class comedy in the heart of Amsterdam, at the
iconic BOOM Chicago
This annual event contributes to the intend to educate women about the
importance of early screening, test and more. The shows will feature breast
cancer survivors as models, sharing their