Rotondes (Luxembourg)


Événements à venir

SOFI PAEZ + Kalo de 78 (DJ Set) Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Sofi Paez is a pianist and composer born in San José, Costa Rica. She experiments with piano, voice and electronic elements in search for new ways of expression in her roots, using both the Spanish and English language. Sofi's pieces are often inspired by daily life and the nature that surrounds her. In 2023 Sofi garnered widespread interest upon releasing her EP “Circles”, firmly putting her on the map as an artist to watch. Later in the year she was handpicked to perform at Ólafur Arnalds’ OPIA launch event - where it was announced Sofi will be the first signing to his OPIA label. Her first album Silent Stories was released on 2 May 2024 via OPIA Community. FOR FANS OF: Hania Rani, Ólafur Arnalds * Genres : Modern classical & Piano * Lieu : Klub * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre des Congés Annulés [],Rotondes’ summer festival * Prix : 14€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : CRI, Opia Community * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * Sofi Paez sur Bandcamp [] * Sofi Paez sur Facebook [] * Sofi Paez sur Instagram []
BARTLEBY DELICATE Support: Hannah Ida + De Bouf (DJ Set) Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. BARTLEBY DELICATE Navigating the currents of contemporary folk and loop-oriented electronics, upcoming singer/songwriter Bartleby Delicate keeps a sharp focus on the narratives he weaves into his forward-thinking compositions. Georges Goerens, the self-proclaimed nineties boy behind this project manages to cut through the blogosphere simply by being good at what he does. As the feverish expressionism of his visuals suggests, the music plays in a field of its own, earning him accolades from Tom Rosenthal and live performances all across Europe (SPOT, Reeperbahn Festival, WAVES Vienna, The Great Escape) in the process. His EP 'Deadly Sadly Whatever' showcases a cinematic quality that stretches the limits of imagination. Building on the polyphonic expanse of this voice, field recordings merge with subtle arpeggios and melancholy piano chords, all driven forward by the underlying pulse of a human heart. Capturing the contradictions and lust for life of millennial tension, Bartleby Delicate's voice provides the light that gets in through the cracks of everyday life. HANNAH IDA Inspired by musicians such as Alice Phoebe Lou, Thea Wang and girl in red, the artist Hannah Ida aspires to create intimate, versatile and authentic bedroom pop. A central aspect of her work lies in observing and displaying contemporary conflicts, as well as the simple beauties of life. Hannah Ida’s raw voice accompanied by guitar or ukulele, thereby englobes beautifully melancholic songs full of meaning and intimate sensibility. * Genres : Indie & Singer/songwriter * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Bartleby Delicate * Lieu : Klub * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre des Congés Annulés [],Rotondes’ summer festival * Prix : 14€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : LU * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * Bartleby Delicate sur Bandcamp [] * Bartleby Delicate sur Facebook [] * Bartleby Delicate sur Instagram [] * Hannah Ida sur Facebook [] * Hannah Ida sur Instagram []
LIFEGUARD Support: GOFAI + Rino Dzur (DJ Set) Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. LIFEGUARD Formed in 2019, Lifeguard are Asher Case (bass, vocals),Isaac Lowenstein (drums, percussion), and Kai Slater (guitar, vocals). At itscore, Lifeguard is a punk band. Their music is loud and energetic. It’s also,at its core, visceral and hypnotic. For the Chicago-based trio that can includerepetition and blasts of speaker cone-shredding feedback. Their songs adeptlybalance melody and chaos, rhythm and drone. Hooks and noise are held to thesame standard. Both have to stick. Last July Matador released “Crowd Can Talk / Dressed in Trenches”, acomposite of two EPs by Lifeguard. “Crowd Can Talk” was originally released inthe summer of 2022 by Chicago label Born Yesterday, while “Dressed in Trenches”features five brand new and unreleased songs. On each record, there are echoes of underground guitarbands from decades past. This is not record-collector music, though. It’s theproduct of a present-day community. Lifeguard are, first and foremost, aperforming band and the songs are written to stand up in that moment. “More than old records – before that, before anything –we’re influenced by live shows and people around us,” explains Slater. “The inspiration comes from playing shows withpeople and having that mind-blown moment of seeing some friend play at Schubasor Book Club,” adds Lowenstein. “It’s happening on these tiny littlescales of seeing kids play live and [knowing] this is something new andinteresting.” FOR FANS OF: At The Drive In / Horsegirl / Fugazi GOFAI The band members met at a hearing lossclinic in 2022 and thought: in for a dollar, in for a dime. The main idea behind GOFAI is one ofunrelenting violence and irreverence, blending hardcore, noise rock andshoegaze. While 2023's debut album "GO FAIL" was more firmly rootedin punk rock, it nonetheless included elements, that were expanded upon on2024's "Aratov Drive". The EP puts the band's more experimentalleanings on full display, and has shown that GOFAI is one of Luxembourg'spreeminent underground bands. * Genre : Post-hardcore * Lieu : Klub * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre des Congés Annulés [],Rotondes’ summer festival * Prix : 14€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : USA, Matador * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * Lifeguard - site [] * Lifeguard sur Instagram [] * GOFAI sur Bandcamp [] * GOFAI sur Instagram []
ZAEREN VOL. 2 Bombaclart Bass + Nevlo + Trvp Pollo + Schmiddi + Solo34 + Cali (Dj set) Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Prepare yourself for the ultimate hip-hop experience in the city! The Zaeren team is making their return, ready to set the Rotondes on fire. * Genre : Hip hop * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Zaeren * Lieu : Klub * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre des Congés Annulés [],Rotondes’ summer festival * Prix : 16€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 20€ (portes) * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Zaeren sur Instagram [] * Bombaclart Bass sur Instagram [] * Nevlo sur Instagram [] * Trvp Pollo sur Instagram [] * Schmiddi sur Instagram [] * Solo34 sur Instagram []
PÉNICHE Support: MMUURR + Jerry Baldrian (Daily Vacation) (DJ Set) PÉNICHE Il y a des maisons d’eau douce qui ne flottent que dans la secousse d’une houle nerveuse. PÉNICHE a pris les courants troubles du post punk instrumental pour dire sans les mots l’urgence, l’amour et la camaraderie. Les tumultes de leur tempête savent laisser une place précieuse à l’émotion des plages post-rock, sorte de préparation lacrymale au bazar salvateur. Bande son d’un trio qui préférera toujours la haute mer aux ports de plaisance, PÉNICHE c’est beau comme une vague frappant la falaise ou un but à la 90ème. MMUURR Pas un souffle... la ville s'ennuie. D'avoir attendu la nuit, elle se languit.... en ses murs, le silence est bruit. Puis un murmure... une mécanique, au loin se fait ouïr : 'party, party'... ils marchent sur la ville, armée cinétique, l'entraînant sur un dance floor frénétique. MMUURR loope son rock, boucles mathématiques. Portés par l'élan, les électrons traversent ces corps, à qui le mouvement rend vie. Le temps d'un murmure, la ville désormais s'enivre. Avec d'anciens membres de Franck Shinobi, Ici, El dinah, Casse Brique et Mambo. * Genres : Post-punk & Instrumental * Lieu : Klub * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre des Congés Annulés [],Rotondes’ summer festival * Prix : 13€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : FR/BE, Floral Records * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * PÉNICHE sur Bandcamp [] * PÉNICHE sur Facebook [] * PÉNICHE sur Instagram [] * MMUURR sur Bandcamp [] * MMUURR sur Facebook [] * MMUURR sur Instagram []

Événements passés

CONGÉS ANNULES Cette année encore, pas besoin de partir bien loin pour trouver un festival d’été qui propose du bon son. Les Congés Annulés aux Rotondes, c’est le rendez-vous à ne pas manquer avec tout un mois de concerts, de DJ sets et de festivités. Et pour vous mettre l’eau à la bouche, voici déjà un avant-goût de la programmation…
LES VOYEUSES Pendant près de 4 semaines, sur le Parvis des Rotondes et aux alentours, d’intrigantes constructions vous inviteront à venir les découvrir et à jeter un coup d’œil à l’intérieur. Ces « voyeuses », comme des longues-vues améliorées, vous donneront l’occasion d’observer la vue qui se cache dans la continuité du dispositif. À l’exception près que les images que vous y découvrirez ont été prises il y a plus de 60 ans. Mais ce n’est pas tout, car en plus de vous fournir une vision du passé des Rotondes sous tous les angles, elles vous dévoileront, l’instant d’après, une multitude de créations artistiques bien actuelles. Car, ce ne sont pas moins de 12 artistes locaux·ales et internationaux·ales qui ont été sélectionné·e·s pour sublimer, interroger, renverser ou dévergonder ces photos historiques et faire des Rotondes leur terrain de jeu pendant cette période estivale. En complément de ce voyage dans le temps et dans de multiples univers artistiques, les visiteur·euse·s pourront acquérir des packs de 6 cartes postales à petit-prix via un distributeur automatique de microéditions, le rotondo:mat, qui sera inauguré pour l’occasion. Une performance sera également présentée pendant la soirée du vernissage (voir ci-contre) * Genre : Photographie * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Vernissage:Ven 26.07.24 >18:00,dans le cadre de la Congés Annulés Opening Night []Performance pendant le vernissage : Well WellCuriosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it backAvec : Mirka Costanzi, Norah Noush, Alexandre Caponigro, Nora HertwigHoraires : >18:00 >19:00 >20:30Durée : environ 15'Dates:Sam 27.07 – Mer 21.08.24En continu * Prix : Entrée libre
THE VOICE FOR NATURE FILM SERIES Do you think bicycles and the Netherlands go together like cars and Luxembourg? The documentary Together we cycle investigates the many factors, events and circumstances that have led to the current Dutch cycling culture. Contrary to popular belief, the Netherlands also followed the global trend of the 1970s and made way for the car. However, against all odds, people kept cycling. Aftertalk with Monique Goldschmit, the president of ProVelo a.s.b.l. - Language: English - Infos: Dir. Arne Gielen, Gertjan Hulster | 2022 | Documentary | 70’ | NL - Free entry
CULTURAL BOOM UA Days in Luxembourg Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Prepare for the weekend in Ukrainian style! UA Days offers various activities for you, your family, and your friends to experience Ukrainian culture unforgettably! THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES: * Kids zone with interactive activities and workshops Expand your children’s cultural horizons and explore new traditions together! UA Days offers various activities for kids to have fun and discover new things. From 15:00 until the last small visitor. * Craft market Discover modern, high-quality Ukrainian goods including books, clothing, traditional embroideries, jewelry, food, and more, beloved by many Luxembourgers. From 15:00 till 20:00 * Food truck Have you ever tried a honey cake? What about the famous Ukrainian varenyky? Enjoy the best of Ukrainian cuisine at the event! From 15:00 till 20:30 * Different outdoor activities VR-zone, master classes on beads, making T-shirts, drawing, face painting, real tattoos etc. From 15:00 till 20:30 * Ukrainian short film broadcast Short films without dialogues or Ukrainian with English subtitles 19:00-20:00 * Luxembourgish and Ukrainian bands’ concert : ІZZІ and Deep Dive Culture 20:30-23:00 ABOUT THE BANDS IZZI, an Ukrainian band from Warsaw, plays Ukrainian pop-rock infused with powerful energy, spirituality, and the essence of nature. Their upcoming album “Always Free” embodies the energy of the new Ukrainian youth – strong, unified, and full of love for their culture. The band is dedicated to celebrating Ukrainian heritage, with their motto “Helping is izzi” reflecting their musical strength. Luxembourgish Alternative Rock band Deep Dive culture's lyrics centre around personal experiences and are based on true stories. The name derives from the comparison between the human mind and the ocean: both are nigh endlessly deep, and when you dive deep enough, you find things hiding from the light, like dark thoughts, and suffocated emotions. * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par LUkraine a.s.b.l. En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Lieux : Klub & Parvis * Langue : En ukrainien, anglais et allemand * Informations additionnelles : 18+ pour les courts-métrages * Prix : Entrée gratuite pour tous les événements à partir de 15:00, sauf pour les concertsBillets pour les concerts dès 20:30: 10€(incl. 1€ frais de prévente) * Programme : >15:00-23:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * UA Days - site [] * UA Days sur Facebook [] * UA Days sur Instagram [] * IZZI sur Instagram [] * Deep Dive Culture sur Instagram []
SNÕÕPER Support: GOFAI Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. SNÕÕPER Snõõper (the Project) began as a collaboration betweenlocal Nashville punk mainstay Connor Cummins and Blair Tramel, an earlyeducation teacher with a sideline in wickedly funny animation and art. As theircassette tapes and homemade videos began to find scattered fans around theworld, the duo brought the Project to the live stage in late 2021 and Snõõper(the Band) was born. Featuring one of the wildest live shows out there, as wella maelstrom of puppets, 8 bit animation, papier-mâché, whistles, flashinglights and a whirling dervish of bodies, Snõõper commits the live act to astudio setting and sets the stage for one of the most promising punk debutalbums in decades. Snõõper’s debut studio album “Super Snõõper” is available on Third Man Records. FOR FANS OF: Devo, Powerplant GOFAI The band members met at a hearing loss clinic in 2022 and thought: in for a dollar, in for a dime. The main idea behind GOFAI is one of unrelenting violence and irreverence, blending hardcore, noise rock and shoegaze. While 2023's debut album "GO FAIL" was more firmly rooted in punk rock, it nonetheless included elements, that were expanded upon on 2024's "Aratov Drive". The EP puts the band's more experimental leanings on full display, and has shown that GOFAI is one of Luxembourg's preeminent underground bands. * Genres : Rock, Post-punk & Punk * Lieu : Klub * Prix : 14€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : US, THIRD MAN RECORDS * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * SNÕÕPER sur Bandcamp [] * SNÕÕPER sur Instagram [] * GOFAI sur Instagram [] * GOFAI sur Bandcamp []
EN ATTENDANT LE GRAND SOIR Le doux supplice, Nîmes (FR) La fin de saison sera belle et festive, avec ce spectacle de cirque à voir… et à danser ! Assis autour du plateau, le public regarde les circassien·ne·s jouer, tourner et défier l’équilibre dans de spectaculaires portés acrobatiques. Mais avec un DJ pour l’ambiance et beaucoup de place pour les rejoindre, on se laisse vite gagner par le doux vertige de la danse, par l’ivresse du bal, par le plaisir de bouger juste parce qu’on est heureux·se d’être là. Pourquoi se retenir ? * Genre : Cirque nouveau * Âge : * À partir de 8 ans * Tout public * Durée : 90’ * Lieu : Grande Salle * Langue : Sans paroles (ou presque) * Prix : 10€ (≤26 ans) / 20€ (>26 ans) * Liens : * Le doux supplice - Site web [] * Le doux supplice sur Facebook [] * Le doux supplice sur Instagram []
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram []
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram []
OUTDOOR EXHIBITION “NOTHING PERSONAL” BY NIKITA TERYOSHIN Light Leaks Festival 2024 Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. Following the huge success of last year first edition, the Light Leaks Festival outdoor exhibition will be presented in the courtyard of the Rotondes cultural center. This open-air exhibition showcases street and documentary photos on a large scale, providing a unique and immersive experience for festival attendees. This year the outdoor exhibition will exclusively showcase the captivating work of photographer Nikita Teryoshin, from his collection 'Nothing Personal - the back office of war', offering attendees a unique perspective on contemporary themes. “Every day on the news we are shown images of war and destruction. This coincides with global expenditure on arms increasing year after year. However, we are rarely afforded a glimpse behind the curtains of the global arms business. Photographer Nikita Teryoshin travelled to 16 arms fairs between 2016 and 2023 to investigate what happens before wars take place. His aim was to take photographs at exclusive so-called defense expositions— which are closed to the public—on every continent to highlight the global nature of the industry.” * Genre : Photographie * Organisateur / Collaboration : Organisé par Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective En collaboration avec les Rotondes * Âge : À partir de 14 ans * Lieu : Parvis * Informations additionnelles : Dans le cadre du Light Leaks Festival 2024 [] * Liens : * Light Leaks Festival - site [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Facebook [] * Light Leaks Festival sur Instagram []
ZZZAHARA Support: Cosmokramer Désolé, ce texte n'existe pas en français. ZZZAHARA zzzahara is a US singer songwriter, born and raised in Highland Park, Los Angeles to Mexican & Filipino parents and previously part of The Simps duo alongside Eyedress. Zzzahara’s sophomore album, Tender, was released via Lex Records, and it documents a period of transition following a devastating breakup. Instead of crumbling, zzzahara began to look inward by meditating and practicing mindfulness. Tender sees zzzahara fine honing their musical approach and distilling the driving synth lines, vibrant songwriting and indie influences of 2022’s album Liminal Spaces into an anthemic guitar driven power record that holds no quarter. Tender-bangers all round. FOR FANS OF: Ariel Pink, Men I Trust, Alex G COSMOKRAMER Cosmokramer is the new electronic pop music project of Yves Stephany and Olivier Treinen, both battle-scarred acolytes of Luxembourg's alt-pop music scene. They claim balance to be a bitch as their tracks ponder the embrace of a defiantly bittersweet apocalypse. Treinen's melodramatic voice and lyrics are upfront and confrontational. Stephany's electronic musical backing pulses with layered irreverence. Theirs is a confused music for confused and confusing times. Wash the blood down the kitchen sink and get on with it. The dancefloor is open and so is the bar. * Genres : Indie, Pop & Lo-fi * Lieu : Klub * Prix : 14€ (incl. 1€ frais de prévente) / 15€ (portes) * Label : US * Programme : Portes >20:00Concert >20:30 * Liens : * Événement Facebook [] * zzzahara sur Facebook [] * zzzahara sur Instagram [] * zzzahara sur Bandcamp [] * Cosmokramer sur Bandcamp [] * Cosmokramer sur Facebook [] * Cosmokramer sur Instagram []