Butoh experience08oktober 2023-20:30Amsterdam|DanseButoh experience. Amsterdam 8 October. Butoh experience. Amsterdam 8 October 2023 taking place at Plein Theater, Saietplein 39 1091 DB Amsterdam Sunday 8th OctobEzio Tangini
Butoh Festival Amsterdam04oktober 2024-05oktober 2024Amsterdam|Théatre, Festival,...Butoh international Festival. Munganga Theatre. Amsterdam 4-5 October UNCONVENTIONAL, EXPERIMENTAL, CONTROVERSIAL 14 performers 12 performances with dancers from: ColomEzio Tangini
Butoh Festival Amsterdam06oktober 2023-07oktober 2023Amsterdam|FestivalButoh international Festival. Munganga Theatre. Amsterdam 6-7 October UNCONVENTIONAL, EXPERIMENTAL, CONTROVERSIAL 15 performers 12 performances with dancers from: AustrEzio Tangini
Soirée of Butoh after the festival06oktober 2024-20:00Amsterdam|Théatre, DanseSoirée of Butoh after the festival Amsterdam 6 October 2024 taking place at LOLA Lieven, Rodenrijsstraat 43 1062JD Amsterdam An evening dedicated to the art of Butoh. Ezio Tangini