Mommen Kunst House Avant première + performances

Noordwal 1, 1021 PX Amsterdam, Pays-Bas


Mommen Kunst House Avant première + performances

The event “Mommen Kunst House” is an immersive and multicultural premiere that highlights radical and avant-garde art forms through the screening of the series Mommen Kunst House and performances by three unique artists.

Victor Abraham Lacô: His performance Salace Palaces explores themes such as homosexuality, desire, and family memories with a deeply personal and provocative style that immerses the viewer in an intimate, transformed space.
Naya Abrin: In his performance No Limits, Naya is known for his extravagant and boundless style, combining expressiveness and freedom of interpretation. His performance is an ode to fluidity and creativity, inviting the audience to push their own boundaries.
Denitsa Ilcheva: With The Living Canvas: Exploring the Boundaries of Bodypainting, Denitsa combines color, form, and texture to transform the human body into a living, interactive artwork, celebrating the diversity and unique beauty of each individual.

After the performances, body-painted spectators join the dance floor for an immersive experience, dancing under the lights and music of the closing DJ set, creating an atmosphere of celebration and unity.

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