Final Fridays: Film + Music Industry Night London


Creatives in London! This is for filmmakers, writers, actors, musicians, and models, and anyone in between who wish to network and make new connections once a month.

This micro-event is intended to be for less than 20 people. Check out our feature in Eventbrite's 2025 TRNDS report!

*Your ticket does not include food or drinks. A paid ticket simply makes you more committed to actually showing up. Register to be sent info on the private event space.

Final Fridays is our industry night on the last Friday of the month that takes place in over 15 cities across the globe!

Once you register, email at for quicker communication on updates.

Événements suggérés

Téhéran 1978 : Marjane, huit ans, songe à l’avenir. Choyée par des parents modernes et cultivés, elle suit avec exaltation les évènements qui vont mener à la révolution et provoquer la chut