
Come see a group of musician improvising while attempting to win games - or bring your instrument and become a contestant!

This is a live show with participation - all in the name of fun and creative music. The contestants will have to create new music on the spot, while following the rules explained by the Gameshow hosts. But they should be careful: if they focus on the rules too much and forget to create compelling music, they will lose points.

Whatever happens, it will be an interesting show to watch from the audience 😄 And it will be a fun challenge for those who agreed on participating in the show.


For musicians: the show is made to not feel scary and ultimately to be a lot of fun. If you'd like to participate, we ask you to arrive half-hour earlier.

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Сергій Степанисько вирушає в тур Європою із новою сольною програмою, маючи на меті не тільки надірвати животики глядачам, а й зібрати коштів на українські Сили Оборони. Комік і, за сумісниц