SOUND ON - first edition


His style of playing and producing can be described as a perfectly carved-out balance between light and darkness, cheerful and melancholic, healing yet disturbing, where he guides you through the various realms of underground techno music, where you’ll find yourself in the deepest, hypnotizing and captivating journeys. Are you ready… to adjust your mind?

She experimented with different sounds and styles, developing a sound characterized by progressive and melodic vibes, powerful basslines, vibrant elements, acid tones, and captivating vocals. Her sets are dedicated to providing an immersive musical experience where people can lose themselves in the rhythm.

DJ and Producer, where he seeks to bring to his audience emotions and sensations beyond music. Focused on Groove and melodies with heavy bass and strong timbres, has brought to Europe all his experience and musicality from Brazil where he has strong roots.

Is an atypical producer and dj DUO created in October 2023 & twins (Auré & Vivi). The duo specializes in electronic music such as techno progressive, peak time acid and delights in taking the audience in a musical journey. The twins’ particularity: creating techno remixes with “tap dance sounds”.

Professional dj who doesn't just play music, but creates unique sonic experiences that make the audience dance and feel. He is an example of how electronic music can be a form of art, expression, and communication among people. Since 2016, he has been winning over audiences and critics with his engaging and innovative mixes, blending elements of classic and modern techno with touches of his South American origin.




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********** English ********** What to expect? A decadent brunch imagined by SoCity, our guest chef for the night. You have the possibility to opt for natural sparkling wine that our team carefully picked, or a funky non-alcoholic alternative. Date: August 31 Time: 11:00 Location: Chateau de Jolimont, 70 rue de middelbourg 1170 Each event is designed by a nomad team with the wish to inspire the creative community, encouraging participants to consider new perspectives in their practice. Third edition: A beauty that drives us mad Cinema, as an art form, has always inspired innovators and creators with its characters and narratives. One example is the mobile phone. Films evoke emotions, challenge social norms, and transport us with decadent aesthetics. For this edition, we’re are bringing to life table settings you see in movies. Using the film Saltburn as starting point, we aim to bring together creatives to reimagine the use of spaces around us. By drawing on the eccentric, we aspire to create an inclusive experience where each guest can express their most extra self. ********** Français ********** À quoi s'attendre ? Un brunch décadent imaginé par SoCity, nos chefs invités. Vous avez la possibilité d'opter pour un vin pétillant naturel que notre équipe a soigneusement sélectionné, ou pour une alternative funky sans alcool. Date du brunch : 31 août Heure : 11:00 Lieu : Château de Jolimont Château de Jolimont, 70 rue de middelbourg 1170 Chaque événement est conçu par une équipe nomade avec le souhait d'inspirer la communauté créative, en encourageant les participants à envisager de nouvelles perspectives dans leur pratique. Troisième édition : A beauty that drives us mad Le cinéma, en tant que forme d'art, a toujours inspiré les innovateurs et les créateurices avec ses personnages et ses récits. Le téléphone portable en est un exemple. Les films évoquent des émotions, remettent en question les normes sociales et nous transportent dans une esthétique décadente. Pour cette édition, nous donnons vie aux décors de table que l'on voit dans les films. En utilisant le film Saltburn comme point de départ, nous souhaitons rassembler des créatifs et créatives pour réimaginer l'utilisation des espaces qui nous entourent. En nous inspirant de l'excentricité, nous aspirons à créer une expérience inclusive où chaque invité.e peut exprimer ce qu'iel a de plus extra.
→ Tickets - __________ → At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at → A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in. __________ → No camera flash - Respect the vibe → We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. → Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line. → Sell your ticket safely? Only via
Vous souhaitez améliorer vos compétences en langue française tout en rencontrant de nouvelles personnes ? Venez participer à nos Tables de Conversation ! Ce sont des rencontres conviviales où vous pouvez pratiquer votre français en discutant de divers sujets dans une atmosphère détendue. Les Tables de Conversation sont ouvertes à tous les niveaux, que vous soyez débutant ou avancé. Sur inscription au 02 605 14 60 ou par mail :
Legends @madmiran (NL) & @pearsonsound (UK) will take control of the booth on 31 August! They will be joined by our French regular @big.lubz for a vinyl only extended set. Hot and sweaty dancefloor for this first time open air on Place d’Espagne, nestled in the very heart of Brussels (above Gallery Horta and in front of Brussels Central Station) Keeping it affordable: limited 9 € tickets
La BALKANA est de retour et c'est la plus grosse édition de l'année Préparez-vous pour une soirée inoubliable le Samedi 31 août au légendaire Mirano à Bruxelles ! Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, la BALKANA débarque un samedi, et ça promet d'être explosif ! Rejoignez-nous pour la plus grande fête balkanique d'Europe, où la musique, la danse et la bonne humeur se mêlent dans une ambiance unique ! Mais ce n'est pas tout... Des surprises incroyables vous attendent tout au long de la soiree !
A unique collaboration between two living legends in the game: Evan Baggs & Francesco Del Garda. Vinyl culture at the highest level. For nearly two decades and fueled by a deep passion for recording digging, Evan Baggs has been breaking boundaries with an expansive sound on the outer edges of house and techno. The vibe is equal parts Berlin — his home since 2007 — and his hometown of New York, where a diverse underground scene first inspired his unique approach to DJing and music making since 1998. Francesco Del Garda’s passion for what he does is clear for all to see: he plays with a smile on his face and gets as much enjoyment from his work as the dancers in front of him. They like to get up close and personal, too, because his sets are filled with unknown gems, overlooked gold and speak of his obsession for unique sounds.
1er & 3ème MERCREDI de chaque mois sauf pendant les vacances scolaires. Des histoires super chouettes pour les enfants à partir de 4 ans et leurs parents avec Lorie. Sans inscription. Gratuit. Prochaines heures du conte : 18/09 09/10 - 16/10 06/11 - 20/11 04/12 - 18/12  
1er & 3ème MERCREDI de chaque mois sauf pendant les vacances scolaires. Des histoires super chouettes pour les enfants à partir de 4 ans et leurs parents avec Lorie. Sans inscription. Gratuit. Prochaines heures du conte : 18/09 09/10 - 16/10 06/11 - 20/11 04/12 - 18/12  
Come and feel the vibrations of Oriental synthesizers, African drums and Outernational sounds on Brussels own Roots Corner Soundsystem. Alongside us for this one will be The Roots Corner's very own Jah Piet. Expect heavy vintage reggae , dub and tropical sounds on wax from over the world, guaranteed to make you move! FREE ENTRY 16:00 - 22:00 Rue Ransfort 27 1080 Molenbeek
__________ TICKETS ↘︎ Tickets via __________ ↘︎ At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the venue or send us a message at ↘︎ A ticket does not guarantee your entrance as security has the right not to let you in. __________ ↘︎ No camera flash - respect the vibe. ↘︎ We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. ↘︎ Sell your ticket safely? Only via