Het evenement is niet kosteloos. De kosten zijn vooor volwassenen: €5 en voor
kinderen: €2,50. Hier zit drinken en eten bij inbegrepen.
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Future of Textile Festival Documentary and talks
19:30 - 22:00
Science Park 306, 1098 XH Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Clean&Unique celebrates this year 18th anniversary of our platform and 17th March we will celebrating this in Amsterdam. Our host of today is Sustainlab.
Driven by the 5 P's of People, Planet, Partnership, Purpose and Peace of sustainability we will taggle today Partnership; What has sustainable fashion to do with Partnerships
Clean & Unique brings the docu High Hopes to you with a talk icw The Swapshop . High Hopes tells te story of discared garments who will be turned into new textiles. We buy too much and we discarding too much textiles. Not every garment sees another life. The option is to burn it. Or not? Together withj partners in the Netherlands The Swapshop found other solutions.
19.30 hr Docu
20.15 hr After talk After the docu we will go in converstion with the Swapshop and makers of High Hopes
21.00 hr Network drink . We will close this day with a drink.
We are convinced about the power of people by bring them together and something magic happens. Join this festival for a good start of the Week of Circularity.
Part of TOEKOMST TEXTIEL CAMPAING. Toekomst Textiel: Clean & Unique ism Sustainalab – de Week van de Circulaire Economie