Failing in Love • Utrecht • stand up comedy in English

Oudegracht 270, 3511 NV Utrecht, Pays-Bas


A stand up comedy show in English about failures in relationships and love with the most hilarious comedians in Europe!

Laugh along as the mischievous Victor Patrascan and his friends take you through their lives, romantic adventures, dating successes, but mostly failures, and much more…

🎟️ online tickets from €15
tickets on the door €25

The show will be held entirely in English

Victor Patrascan 🇷🇴 • • @VictorPatrascan

Victor Pãtrãşcan is an eccentric stand up comedian and outrageous social commentator from Romania who for the last 4 years has been constantly touring the world and telling jokes in (broken) English.

Victor honed his joke writing skills on the comedy circuit in London where he lived until 2020. Since moving out of London Victor has been traveling and showcasing his comedic talent on the international stage. In several countries he has had the distinction of being the first comedian to perform in English.

In 2023 alone Victor performed and produced over 300 of his own shows across 70 cities 32 countries and 2 continents. Consequently, he has a legitimate claim for having the longest and most extensive self-produced comedy tour in the world.

Victor has told his jokes in Germany Japan Italy the Netherlands Greece Austria Singapore Turkey Sweden France Serbia Switzerland Georgia Finland Belgium Iceland Ukraine Spain Estonia Italy Cyprus Ireland South Korea Portugal Kazakhstan the Czech Republic Iceland Norway Slovakia very close to the Vatican Thailand Georgia UK Slovenia Armenia Croatia Poland Latvia Armenia Lithuania Luxembourg UAE Denmark Moldova Vietnam Hungary and even Bulgaria.

Victor weaves these unique experiences into his stand up as he has become somewhat of a sponge absorbing the intricacies of the world's cultures and s politics. While he jokes about the stereotypes and misconceptions of every country he also highlights how silly and artifical our differences are in an effort to bring everyone together.

Victor's live shows are a delightful blend of sharp wit and hilarious anecdotes. Book your tickets now and witness live one of Europe's brightest comedians!

For more information visit his website

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