


Nada Surf formed in New York in 1992 and released their first single, “The Plan”/“Telescope” in 1994. They signed to Elektra Records and released their debut album High/Low in 1996. Produced by Ric Ocasek of The Cars, High/Low was an instant hit thanks to the massive success of its first single “Popular”, but the band really hit their stride in the 2000s with the release of Let Go in 2002. This anthemic, catchy and emotionally knotty album won them new fans and acclaim, and they’ve continued the momentum with each new album, including the melancholy The Weight Is a Gift in 2005 and the bony The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy in 2005. Rather than sum up their celebrated career with a traditional best of, they recorded some of their most popular songs on Peaceful Ghosts in 2016 with the Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg, one of Western Europe’s last remaining film orchestras.
For most of the band’s thirty-year existence, Nada Surf has relied on the same basic line-up: Matthew Caws (vocals, guitar), Daniel Lorca (bass, vocals) and Ira Elliot (drums). On Moon Mirror, they are joined by long-time friend and collaborator Louie Lino.

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