
This Valentine’s day, join the Mouthy Broads for their Valentine’s Day Comedy Special! Perfect for...

♥️ Valentine’s date night

💖 Galentine’s girl’s night

❤️‍🩹 Rehab for broken hearts

❤️‍🔥 Solo date for the happily single

💞 An evening out with your polycule of intellectual lovers who don’t subscribe to the capitalist invention of ‘valentine’s day’ but do like to laugh.

WHEN? Friday, February 14th

🕗 Date Night Showing 8:30PM

📍 Theater de Kameleon, Amsterdam

💸 €11

We’ll provide the entertainment whilst you sit back and enjoy not having to talk to your date for a bit.

Who are the Mouthy Broads?

These mouthy broads will share their funniest takes on love and everything that goes with it like relationship f*ck-ups, goblin s*x and being so single your boyfriend is a pillow! HA! I’m laughing already!

Featuring international comedians Emily Higgson (@emilyhiggson) and Nadine Froughi (@lefrough). One of them’s mouthy, one of them’s broad—and both of them are funny as f*ck. 💄💅🏽🍌

What’s in it for you?

✅ Guaranteed Laughs

✅ A creative (solo)date idea

✅ Maybe you’ll fall in love?

✅ Alternative stand-up comedy

✅ You can say you did something to support feminism. Slay!

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