
Join us in Brussels for a night of art and music, kicking off with an exhibition featuring a curated selection of young and emerging audiovisual artists.

Explore immersive installations and bold new works before the night transitions into a party with DJ sets keeping the energy high until 2 AM.

The bar will be serving an excellent selection of drinks, including natural wine, craft cocktails, and more.

Don’t miss this vibrant fusion of creativity and nightlife!



20:00-22:00: audiovisual art exhibition

22:00-02:00: party with different DJ sets

More information coming soon, stay up to date on our instagram page @spijt.lab

Événements suggérés

Pierre Bismuth, Stefan Bruggeman, Delphine Coindet, Martin Creed, François Curlet, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Enric Farres Duran, Cristina Garrido, Bertrand Lavier, Josep Maynou, Jonathan Monk, Fr
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