Flamenco Students Gala

Par Yota


On June 9, Podium Mozaïek will be the stage for flamenco dance and singing talent from the Netherlands. An evening-filling program, full of passionate flamenco choreographies by up-and-coming and proven flamenco talents from 7 to 70 years old. Accompanied by the best flamenco musicians in the country, including Arturo Ramon. A gala for young and old full of dance, song and music. Expect surprises! Starts at 6 p.m
Crema de crema flamenco musicians
The live music is provided by the well-known flamenco musicians Vicente Jose Santiago (guitar), Arturo Ramon (guitar), Erminia Fernandez Cordoba (singer), Yota Baron (singer), Violina Violinist and Vangelis Chatzigiannis (singer).

The Amsterdam flamenco choir Tiri Tiri accompanies a number of choreographies under the direction of Yota Baron. The choir emerged from the singing school that Baron started in 2019. They regularly perform at various stages and festivals, including the Spanish Film Festival.

More than 70 participants from beginner to professional
This year, more than 70 students from flamenco schools in the cities of Amsterdam, The Hague, Eindhoven, Leiden, Rotterdam and Utrecht are participating. The participants vary in age (from 7-70 years) and level from beginners to advanced; the majority have progressed. Several professional dancers/teachers are also part of the performances. The gala consists of original choreographies that they have been working on all year.

Prior to the live show, the students rehearse with the musicians during the day; a unique opportunity for the enthusiastic upcoming flamenco talent, who likes to share their passion with the audience.

Gala hostess Yota Baron:
The initiator and hostess of the gala Yota Baron - herself a professional flamenco singer and teacher - wants to offer participants and audience an unforgettable evening.

“As a student, I have always really appreciated rehearsals with other students and real musicians. You normally don't have the luxury of experiencing this. This gala is a unique opportunity to give these passionate talents an unforgettable experience by offering them a stage with professional musicians and working with other students and teachers.” - Yota Baron- flamenco singer and initiator Flamenco Gala


Available also family tickets


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