Meet the curator - Javier Gimeno-Martinez


Javier Gimeno-Martínez is an associate professor of design history and theory at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research interest encompasses issues of national identity and displacement as related to design. His articles have been published in academic journals such as Journal of Design History, Design Issues, Design and Culture, The Burlington Magazine and Urban Studies. He is the author of the books Design and National Identity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016) and Design History and Culture. Methods and Approaches (Routledge, 2025). He is a member of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS).

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Javier Gimeno-Martinez est professeur associé d’histoire et de théorie du design à la Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Ses recherches portent sur les questions d’identité nationale et de mobilité en rapport avec le design. Ses articles ont été publiés dans des revues universitaires telles que Journal of Design History, Design Issues, Design and Culture, The Burlington Magazine et Urban Studies. Il est l’auteur des ouvrages Design and National Identity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016) et Design History and Culture. Methods and Approaches (Routledge, 2025). Il est membre du International Committee for Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS).

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Javier Gimeno-Martínez is universitair hoofddocent designgeschiedenis en -theorie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op kwesties van nationale identiteit en ontheemding in relatie tot design. Zijn artikelen zijn gepubliceerd in academische tijdschriften zoals Journal of Design History, Design Issues, Design and Culture, The Burlington Magazine en Urban Studies. Hij is de auteur van de boeken Design and National Identity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016) en Design History and Culture. Methods and Approaches (Routledge, 2025). Hij is lid van de International Committee for Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS).

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