Expat Cinema : I’m still here


Based on the memoirs of Marcelo Rubens Paiva, “I'm Still Here” tells the true story of the disappearance of his father, former congressman Rubens Paiva, during Brazil's military dictatorship in the 1970s. The life of Rubens Paiva's wife, Eunice (Fernanda Torres), and their five children changes abruptly and permanently after his disappearance. Eunice is imprisoned and threatened by the regime, which tries to make her betray her family and friends. Once released 12 days later, she will do everything in her power to oppose the corrupt regime and fight for the rights of thousands of innocent disappeared civilians and their families.

********** Nederlands **********

Gebaseerd op de memoires van Marcelo Rubens Paiva, vertelt I’m Still Here het waargebeurde verhaal van de verdwijning van zijn vader, voormalig congreslid Rubens Paiva, tijdens de Braziliaanse militaire dictatuur in de jaren zeventig. De levens van Rubens Paiva’s echtgenote Eunice (Fernanda Torres) en hun vijf kinderen veranderen na de verdwijning abrupt, en voorgoed. Eunice wordt gevangen genomen en onder druk gezet door het regime om haar vrienden en familie te verraden. Als ze 12 dagen later wordt vrijgelaten, zet ze alles op alles om zich af te zetten tegen het corrupte regime en te strijden voor de rechten van duizenden verdwenen, onschuldige burgers en hun families.

********** English **********

In the early 1970s, the military dictatorship in Brazil reaches its height. The Paiva family - Rubens, Eunice, and their five children - live in a beachside house in Rio, open to all their friends. One day, Rubens is taken for questioning and does not return.

Information sur la date

2025-03-13: 21:10:00

2025-03-14: 18:50:00

2025-03-18: 18:30:00



Info & Réservation

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