Paris Music Speed Networking: Collaborators Edition


This edition of Speed Networking is for collaborators in Paris! Join others in the creative community for speed dating-like sessions for creatives in film to connect over seven minutes meetings. Maybe you're a songwriter looking to meet singers, or you're a music producer seeking an engineer ...the possibilities are endless!

7-9pm: speed netorking

9pm: open mingle to connect with those you did not get a chance to meet during the speed sessions.

All ages are welcome.

Presented by entertainment series brand Ermantourage.

Événements suggérés

Peter Bernstein à propos de Jesse van Ruller : « J’ai rencontré Jesse pour la première fois en 1995, après qu’il ait remporté le concours Thelonious Monk. Quelques années plus tard, j’ai eu l’occas