Art Base


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Événements passés

Kristina Kebet- Piano recital
17december 2023
Bruxelles|Musique & Concert, Opéra
Kristina Kebet is a Croatian pianist with an international career. Born in 1987, she made her solo debut at the age of 16 in Estonia and continues to perform throughout Europe, mainly in Croatia, Germany and Belgium, where she has also completed her master's studies. Her mentors include Grigory Gruzman, Alan Weiss, Arbo Valdma, and Dalibor Cikojević. Her performances include concerts at the Zagreb Biennale, teacher summits in Rome and Tenerife, ceremony in Luxembourg for the European Union and recordings for the Flemish VRT radio and the Croatian HRT radio, among others. She is employed as a soloist and accompanist in important competitions, auditions and opera productions (Hochschule fur musik Koln, Gent Clarinet Competition, Ostend Festival, Mozartiade Brussel). In the pedagogical field, she leads a private class of students who perform successfully in concerts and competitions (Steinway Piano Competition, New York International Competition). Kristina lives in Brussels. Art Base, 17/12/23 15h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
Kosmokrators Rebetiko
14december 2023
Bruxelles|Musique & Concert
********** English ********** ********** Français ********** KOSMOKRATORS Rebetiko présente des chansons grecques de la tradition Rebetiko en Français, Néerlandais et Grec. Les paroles sont des traductions plus ou moins littérales des originaux, qui rendent bien le caractère dur et marginal authentique. Le thème par excellence est le monde des ‘mangas’, les musiciens tenaces et orgueilleux fumeurs de haschich d’Athènes et du Pirée. Toujours des paroles bien enfumées, parfois adaptées aux temps modernes, parfois rustres, parfois tendres, mais l’humour est de rigueur. Stratos Stabourlos (bouzouki) Frans De Clercq (voix et bouzouki), Karsten de Vilder (voix et guitare), Dimi Dumo (voix et percussion). Art Base, Thursday 14/12/23 20h, 15E ( jobless & student under 26 10), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to ********** Nederlands ********** Kosmokrators brengt Griekse rebetikaliederen met Nederlandse, Frans en Griekse teksten. De vertalingen blijven dicht bij het origineel, en behouden het authentieke harde en ondergrondse karakter. Het thema bij uitstek is de wereld van de manges, de taaie muzikanten, stoere binken en hasjrokers uit Athene en Piraeus. Steeds gaat het om doorgewinterde teksten, soms aangepast aan het hier en nu, soms hard, soms teder, maar altijd voorzien van een flinke dosis humor. Stratos Stabourlos (bouzouki) Frans De Clercq (zang en bouzouki), Karsten de Vilder (zang en gitaar), Dimi Dumo (zang en percussie). Art Base, Thursday 14/12/23 20h, 15E ( jobless & student under 26 10), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
The Azerbaijani-Iranian singer and poet Sanaz gives the audience a deep insight into her innermost being with her witty, emotionally charged and biting lyrics. They are about life, death, love, and of course her former home country Iran with all its contradictions. Her voice captivates and holds the listeners, both while singing and reading. Benjamin Stein's language is formed by the sounds he elicits from his instruments. His melodies, compositions and improvisations are his home. He masterly plays many different instruments, such as santur, tar and oud, and makes them keep an almost mystical wealth of sound. Art Base, Friday 8/12/23 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
„SOUNDS FROM THE CASPIAN SEA“ SANAZ SAREZANI & BENJAMIN STEIN The Azerbaijani-Iranian singer and poet Sanaz gives the audience a deep insight into her innermost being with her witty, emotionally charged and biting lyrics. They are about life, death, love, and of course her former home country Iran with all its contradictions. Her voice captivates and holds the listeners, both while singing and reading. Benjamin Stein's language is formed by the sounds he elicits from his instruments. His melodies, compositions and improvisations are his home. He masterly plays many different instruments, such as santur, tar and oud, and makes them keep an almost mystical wealth of sound. Art Base, Friday 8/12/23 20h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
Laverock- Scotland folk and more
02december 2023
Bruxelles|Musique & Concert
In the Scots language, ‘laverock’ means ‘the skylark’, a bird whose call rings out above the open heath. Robert Burns – Scotland’s national poet (1759 – 1796) – wrote often of the wonders of nature, a backdrop to the lives of the common folk who lived in the Scotland of his time. Laverock set Burns’ poems to original melodies inspired by the traditional Scottish folk idiom, with a modern twist. Wistful airs speak to the sorrow of unrequited love, while hopeful songs celebrate the joy of companionship. Alex Smith – voice, harmonica, mandolin Andy Upton – guitar Joanne O’Donnell – voice, whistle, percussion