Gentse Feesten 2024


19 tot 28 juli. aftellen naar de volgende editie. Gentse Feesten 2024 19 tot 28 juli. Het aftellen kan beginnen. 128 dagen 23 uren

Date info

Du 19/07/2024 au 28/07/2024



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Suggested events

By tradition, the Ghent-based independent label el Negocito organizes a summer festival in Citadel Park. You will be able to enjoy bands and ensembles situated outside of mainstream jazz. Citadel Park is the epicentre of inspirational moments and lively gatherings, where you can enjoy contemporary jazz and improvisational music in a lovely setting.
 Poseydon  Poseydon is a Belgian death/thrash metalband, formed in 1992 by Alain de Block. On the 20th of October 2023 they released their new album "Through The Gate of Hatred And Aversion". Come check it out live, at Asgaard!  Support acts  They'll be bringing along Heavy Melodic Metal band Far Beyond and “Metal mosh machine from the land of waas” Scorner as support acts.
De Schuur is a summer bar on the edge of the Bourgoyen. Here, you can enjoy a snack and a drink, as well as live concerts of Belgian artists on Saturdays and Sundays. Saturday: concert between 5 pm and 7 pm  Sunday: concert between 11:30 am and 1 pm 
Every year in July jazz enthusiasts can have a great time during the Gent Jazz Festival. Renowned artists from Belgium and abroad make up the programme. The charming Bijloke site is the backdrop for this jazz festival that appeals to a broad audience. Global superstars and up-and-coming talents will treat the audience musically. You will also be able to enjoy delicious drinks and tasty meals at the numerous bars and food stalls.
Every year, the Ghent Organ Centre, an organisation that keeps the art of the organ alive, organises an organ festival in St Bavo's Cathedral. Louis Bys and Pierre Destrée built the organ between 1653 and 1655. It bears the coat of arms of bishop Triest, who gifted the organ to the cathedral. Every year, guest organists from around the world come to Gent to give it their all during the International Organ Festival. Are you driving to Ghent? First check whether you may enter the city centre with your vehicle. Clean vehicles may enter the city centre free of charge, polluting vehicles have to pay. Is your vehicle allowed to enter, but do you not have a Belgian or Dutch number plate? You will ALWAYS have to register!