Mazel Galerie & Sato Gallery Present "Natsukashii"


A specific smell, image, sound or taste, which evokes a beautiful memory with tenderness, triggers the Natsukashii. Fifteen artists, both native and Western, are invited to share our exhibition space. It will be interesting to observe the creative and cultural exchanges as well as the points of convergence and differences between the non-Japanese artists of Mazel Galerie and the Japanese artists of Sato Gallery.
Japan may seem a long way away to Westerners, but it's omnipresent in our culture, to the point of being an integral part of it. Judo, manga, cartoons, sushi, origami, matcha and many other things are part of our daily lives and populate our memories. More sophisticated concepts such as umami (the 5th flavor) and kawaii (cute) have even become relatively common terms in Europe.
An exhibition that celebrates Japanese culture in all its aspects, through the eyes of those who embody it and those who observe it.

Datum informatie

11:00:00 - 18:00:00




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