Vernus 1260°


Åsa Johansson examines the basic geometric shapes in the ceramic process. She is working with casting techniques and exploring the primary forms, challenging the material, and pushing the clay norms to their edge. By relating to geometry, she defies herself to create these precise forms in ceramics. The artist combines soft and colorful glazes on the surface with a strict body that juxtaposes each other. The artist plays with the equilibrium found between each form, while crating a harmoniously balanced sculpture. Compositions, spatiality and the negative forms are important parts of her work. Soft colorful glazes on strict hard forms bring the works to life and create an exciting contrast. Despite extreme accuracy throughout the process, she cannot control what happens in the 1260 degree glaze kiln, the sculptures are brought to life and given their own unique expression.

Åsa Johansson wants the viewer to feel curiosity, hope, joy and courage when observing and exploring her sculptures. Through a new series of pillar installations, she continues her journey and research throuh geometric and architecrual structures.

Join us next Thursday, June 6, from 17h to 20h to discover Daniel Mirchev's universe in person.

VERNUS 1260° by Åsa Johansson
Opening / Vernissage: Thursday, June 6, 17-20h
Visit us from Thursday to Saturday, 10-18h
Macadam Gallery, Rue du Charme 34, 1190 Forest

Contact us at to sign up to receive the preview of the artist's catalogue before the opening.

Information sur la date

10:00:00 - 18:00:00



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