News Round Up: Highlights from this week and the future


Come get your news fix and morning coffee in our welcoming House Lounge and enjoy a curated selection of insightful stories from today and from tomorrow with a panel of renowned media experts. From space politics to migration, the climate, the economy, generational divides and more, this stellar panel of Brussels-based journalists will delve into this week’s main events around the world, offer skilled analysis and comment, and also dare to take a leap into the possible future scenarios in 5, 10 or 50 years from now.

A news commentary with James Kanter, Olga Chladkova, Simon Brunfaut and more*

*WEEKEND PASS or DAY PASS available*
**This activity is part of Full Circle Ideas Festival 2024**



James Kanter is American and British award-winning journalist and Brussels-based commentator on European Union affairs.
Olga Chládková is Senior producer and journalist at ARD TV Studio Brussels. She covers EU and Benelux politics for the Tagesschau and the ARD Europamagazin.
Simon Brunfaut is journalist at L’Echo, editor at RTBF, Professor or philosophy at Saint-Luc Bruxelles and ArBA-EsA.


Catégorie 1
Catégorie 2

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